Nobody Wanted This Special Needs Kitten – Until …

This poor special needs kitty simply couldn’t find a home.

He spent most of his time in his cage, but of that all changed when he found the purrfect forever home.

This is the story of Benny!

“Benjamin Hugo Noggin, or Benny for short, came to Milo’s Sanctuary after his human mom passed away leaving him and his four cat siblings all alone in the world. Some nice people stepped in and found homes for the other four cats, but no one wanted Benny. Benny is not only blind; he also has a condition called hydrocephalus,” Milo’s Sanctuary noted in a post.

Benny was taken to a wonderful vets office that had been taking care of him since he was a tiny kitten found in his human’s back yard. He was very scared and extremely confused by all the changes. The vets just knew that Benny couldn’t spend his entire life in a cage at their office, and so, they reached out to a local rescue that posted him on social media.

Milo’s Sanctuary was instantly contacted and they happily agreed to take him in. After a trip down from Northern California, he went to his Lifetime Care Foster home and that’s where he’s settled in and starting to learn that he’s safe and loved.

“Benny hasn’t quite gotten the hang of using a litter box, so we have supplied him with lots of pee pads, which he uses very diligently. He’s also on a special diet because of intestinal issues and gets subcutaneous fluids a few times a week to make sure he stays hydrated. We’re not sure why he doesn’t drink water out of a bowl. Benny also requires regular blood tests to make sure his sodium level stays normal”.

Through all the changes, Benny has definitely remained a sweet, gentle boy with a goofy sense of humor. He absolutely loves his food, toys, and his brand new scratching post!

“We promised Benny that he will always have a home with us at Milo’s Sanctuary and with your sponsorship, we can keep that promise and give Benny a long and happy life!”


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