Two Brothers Feed a Fearful Feral Cat, Months Later, She Brings Her Babies to Meet Them

For a few months, two brothers had been feeding an elusive feral cat, who didn't want to be anywhere near them. Then one day, she decided to bring her babies to meet them.

When they first found the feral cat, she was very fearful and would not eat when the guys were around. "When she first came around she most certainly was wild. She wouldn't come near anyone.," reddit user ogreaper said.

"But over the course of several months we kept her fed. She slowly became more comfortable with people." Then one day she brought her kittens to the guys.... "We knew we had to get them out of there."

"We had been feeding her through the entire winter. So she very slowly over time became comfortable with us. She didn't let anyone get within 20 feet of her at first."

"When we rounded the kittens up she did hiss and half attack a couple times."

Photo: ogreaper

It took a few hours to get the kittens. "One thing that helped was that we had been feeding the mother for months before this happened so she was already comfortable with us.

"The kittens were rounded up pretty quickly but the mother was rough. We got her in a box once then she tore right out of it. So we used the actual cat crate on her when she finally came out of hiding again. It was quite the ordeal."

Photo: ogreaper

Once the mama and her kittens moved into the house, things began to change.

"When we first got them to the house we opened the box and they were too scared to come out. They just sat there."

Photo: ogreaper

The brother helped the kittens out of the box onto the old mattress they had. It didn't take long for the fur babies to start running and bouncing on the mattress.

The furry family stayed in a room they didn't use which happened to have a couple of old mattresses in it.

Photo: ogreaper

"We laid one on the floor and angled another one over top of it, kind of like a little mattress fort for them. We figured they would feel more safe in a smaller space like this."

They began to look for good homes for the furry family and made sure they all get adopted and receive the proper medical care they need. All the kittens quickly were rehomed.

Photo: ogreaper

A great way to help control feral population in a cat colony is to contact a local TNR (trap-neuter-return) program to set up traps. By spaying and neutering feral cats, it can greatly help manage the population, so the kitties can live a happy and quality life they so deserve.

"There was no way I could leave them out there," Ogreaper said. Now the kitties no longer need to worry about shelter and food.

Photo: ogreaper

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