Woman Saves Kitten Trapped in Wall, Finds Four More and Then a Mom Later – And All Have Extra Toes

A wonderful woman basically had to destroy her house, all to save a tiny polydactyl kitten who had been trapped in a wall.

Just a few weeks later, she ended up finding four more kittens, all who had extra toes.

The newbies were found in her garage.

A resident who lives in Sonoma heard incessant which was coming from her wall.

She is a caregiver for a feral colony, and for that reason, she simply knew that she would need to get him out to safety.

And so, she cut the wall open, and a tiny kitten, who was only a few days old, fell right into her loving arms.

She decided to name the cat Wally, and it WOW – this little guy was loaded with extra toes!

Pets Lifeline of Sonoma Valley (Sonoma, CA), was closed for the evening and so the woman decided to take the kitten to a pet supply store to try and find some help as her local rescue group,

“Bobby, the store manager of Pet Food Express Sonoma and my partner, offered to foster Wally,” Michael Davis explained.

You can imagine how surprised everyone was two weeks after the rescue when the lady, the very one who had saved Wally, came across the rest of the litter in her garage.

Each and every one or Wally’s littermates are ginger and white and they all have extra digits on their paws.

Since there was still no mother cat around at this time, the woman brought the kittens to Pets Lifeline for immediate care.

It was at this time that she returned home to look for the mother.

It was only a matter of a day or so before she found the feral mother.

And of course, she is polydactyl.

Finally, the mama cat and her adorable kittens would be reunited!

“They are doing well. Kittens are getting bigger and eating kitten food,” Sara explained. “When they are weaned they will go into foster until ready to be spayed/neutered.”

The mama cat was neutered when the time was right!

Pets Lifeline is absolutely committed to their TNR feral cat program to help keep the population under control and give these kitties a quality life they so deserve.

As for little Wally, he’s growing up fast and is incredibly affectionate. “He is playing with toys almost non-stop and is already accepted by our other cat, Zeek,” Davis explained.

Wally became the Pet Food Express Sonoma mascot and gets all the love and attention he could possibly hope for from the locals.

“We hope that his brothers and sister get adopted to loving and caring homes, and afforded the save level of care we are able to provide!

“I love having a polydactyl kitten, he’s already ‘grabbing’ and I look forward to many years of mischief and companionship!”

Many kittens at this particular shelter are available for adoption. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, you can follow Pets Lifeline of Sonoma Valley on Facebook.

What an amazing story!

H/T: www.lovemeow.com

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